Copyright© 2009 By Echo, Incorporated
All Rights Reserved.
In t r o d u c t I o n
Welcome to the ECHO family. This ECHO product was designed and manufactured to provide long life and on-the-job-
dependability. Read and understand this manual included with your attachment. You will nd this manual easy to use and
full of helpful operations tips and SAFETY messages.
ta b l e o f co n t e n t s
Introduction ....................................................................2
- The Operator's Manual ...........................................2
- Safety Manual .........................................................2
Safety .............................................................................3
- Manual Safety Symbols and Important Information 3
- International Symbols .............................................3
- Personal Condition and Safety Equipment .............3
- Equipment ...............................................................6
Description .....................................................................7
Contents .........................................................................8
- ProSweep Gear Housing Assembly to
Lower Shaft Assembly ............................................8
- Power Head Shaft to ProSweep Attachment ..........9
Operation ......................................................................10
Maintenance .................................................................11
- Skill Levels ...........................................................11
- Maintenance Intervals ...........................................11
- Lubrication ............................................................11
- Brush Replacement ..............................................13
Storage .........................................................................14
Specications ...............................................................14
Servicing Information ..................................................16
- Parts/Serial number ...............................................16
- Service ..................................................................16
- ECHO Customer Assistance .................................16
- Warranty Card .......................................................16
- Additional or Replacement Manuals ....................16
- Manual Ordering Instructions ..............................16
Specications, descriptions and illustrative material in
this literature are as accurate as known at the time of pub-
lication, but are subject to change without notice. Illustra-
tions may include optional equipment and accessories,
and may not include all standard equipment.
t h e o p e r a t o r 's m a n u a l
Read and understand this manual before operation. Keep it in a safe
place for future reference. It contains specications and information
for operation, starting, stopping, maintenance, storage, and assembly
specic to this product.
t h e s a f e t y m a n u a l
(If available for attachment)
Explains possible hazards and what measures you should take to insure
safe operation.