Eastern Tools & Equipment IN2500i Portable Generator User Manual

EASTERN TOOLS & EQUIPMENT INC Tele: (888)908-6200 Web Site: easterntools.com
Normal wear:
Engines and generators, like all mechanical devices, need periodic parts service and
replacement to perform well. Warranty will not cover repair when normal use has
exhausted the life of a part of an engine.
Improper maintenance:
The life of an engine or your equipment depends upon the conditions under which it
operates, and the care it receives. Some applications, such as tillers, pumps, and rotary
mowers, are very often used in dusty or dirty conditions, which can cause what appears to
be premature, wear. Such wear, when caused by dirt, dust, spark pug cleaning grit, or
other abrasive material that has entered the engine because of improper maintenance is
not covered by warranty.
This warranty cover engine related defective material and/or workmanship only,
and not replacement or refund of the equipment to which the engine may be
mounted. Nor does the warranty extend to repairs required because of:
1. Problems caused by parts that are not original eastern tools & equipment, inc.,
2. Equipment controls or installations that prevent starting, cause unsatisfactory
engine performance, or shorten engine life. (Contact equipment manufacturer.)
3. Leaking carburetor, clogged fuel pipes, sticking valves, or other damage, caused
by using contaminated or stale fuel. (Use clean, fresh, lead-free gasoline.)
4. Parts which are scored or broken because an engine was operated with insufficient
or contaminated lubricating oil, or and incorrect grade of lubricating oil (check oil
level daily or after every 8 hours of operation. Refill when necessary and change
at recommended intervals.) Engine damage may occur if oil level is not properly
maintained. Read Operating & Maintenance Instructions.