Eastern Tools & Equipment IN2500i Portable Generator User Manual

EASTERN TOOLS & EQUIPMENT INC Tele: (888)908-6200 Web Site: easterntools.com
Place the machine on a level surface and warm up the engine
for several minutes. Then stop the engine and turn the fuel cock
knob to “OFF””. Turn the fuel tank cap air vent knob clockwise.
1. Loosen the screw and remove the cover.
2. Remove the oil filler cap
3. Place an oil pan under the engine. Tilt the generator to drain
the oil completely
4. Replace the generator on a level surface.
5. Add engine oil to the upper level.
6. Install the oil filler cap
7. Install the cover and tighten the screw
z Recommended engine oil: (see page 6)
Above SJ Grade
oil filter
CAUTION: ───────────────────────────────
z Be sure no foreign material enters the crankcase.
z Do not tilt the generator when adding engine oil. This could
result in overfilling and damage to the engine
z Clean the oil filter every 100hr.
Maintaining the air filter in proper condition is very important. Dirt
induced through improper installation or improperly servicing of
the air filter will wear out the engine. Keep the air filter element
always clean.
1. Remove the cover.
2. Remove the air filter cover and element.
3. Wash the element in solvent and dry.