RaceAmerica Model 3220 Timer SBD
Several options (Elapsed Time (ET), Printer,
Digital Display or PC) can be connected by a
RS232 cable connection up to 100 feet or by a
Wireless Link for greater distances (line of sight
up to a quarter mile). Connectors are on the un-
derside of the console.
The Elapsed Time option involves running
a cable to the starting line connected to the
RaceAmerica starting line connector in the wiring
harness. A RaceAmerica sensor can e connected
to the cable to optically start both lanes Elapsed
Times. Alternately, the 4-conductor connector
for the starting line has contacts numbered 1 thru
4 as follows so a mechanical switch can be con-
Pin 1 - POWER
Pin 3 - not connected
Pin 4 - GROUND
Wire a normally closed switch between pins
2 and 4. When starting, the switch should open to
trigger the timer to start timing the ET’s for both
lanes. It does not matter if the switch remains
open or closed but must be closed for the start of
the next race.
The Win Lights connect to the RJ45 connec-
tor tails on the cable at the finish line. The light
for the first lane to finish will illuminate and flash.
Win Lights are powered from the console. See
the section on Win Light assembly at the end of
the manual.
Connect the timeslip printer interface cable to
the 3220 Timer SBD using the PRINTER PORT
on the console. The 3220 will auto print the des-
ignated number of timeslips after each race. Ad-
ditional copies can be printed by pressing the [0]
PRINT button before the timer is reset. The print
function is disabled if the timer is timing a run.
The timeslip header can be user configured
(up to four lines of 39 characters each) for each
event, club, date or whatever. See page 12 for a
worksheet to layout the print header.
The Timer SBD can be connected to a large
display scoreboard to display race results for a
crowd and the competitors. Connect the model
6560/6860 Large Digital Display to view Win-
ning Lane and time differential immediately upon
completion of each timed even. Alternately, con-
nect two displays to show the Elapsed Time for
each lane (the Printer port can be reconfigured for
Display). Use the DIP switches to select display
format (Winning lane + Differential, Lane 1 ET,
or Lane 2 ET).
RaceAmerica is pleased to offer the full line
of AXWARE Derby third party sofware for the PC
(Windows 95 or later Operating System) to capture
the times and build a file with racers names and
race results. Three options are available to capture
data and manage your race day matchups including
AASBD formats.