Action Date, mtr reading, stamp, sign
Delivery Service
1. Charge the battery. □
2. Adjust the tire pressure of all wheels to 15 PSI (1 bar). □
3. Mount the steering controls in the normal position. □
4. Connect the contact box to the cable for the seat’s safety switch. □
5. Check that the right amount of oil is in the engine. □
6. Adjust the position of the steering controls. □
7. Fill with fuel and open the fuel shut off valve. □
8. Start the engine. □
9. Check that there is drive to both wheels. □
10. Check the mower deck adjustment. □
11. Check:
The safety switch for the parking brake. □
The safety switch for the mower deck. □
The safety switch in the seat. □
The safety switch in the steering controls. □
Parking brake functionality. □
Driving forward. □
Driving backward. □
Engaging the blades. □
12. Check the idle speed □
13. Check the engine high idle speed □
14. Inform the customer about: □
The need and advantages of following the service
The need and advantages of leaving the machine for
service every 300 hours.
The effects of service and maintaining a service journal on
the machine’s resale value.
Application areas for mulching.
15. Fill in the sales papers
Delivery service has been carried out.
No remaining notes.