......... lllllllllllIl IIIII IIIIII III I III II Ill I I .
A_ Air Filter
A dirty- air filter decreases engine performance and
increases reel _ansumption.
Clean the Air FiIte_.
• Frequently;
• Always clean after 5 tanks of fuel or 5 hours
of operation, whichever is less.
Follow _ese steps: _
L Move the choke lever to Full. Figurell.
_. _emove the air filter cover on top 0fthe unit (un-
: der the handle). Figure 13.
3."Remove the air filte_ Figure t3.
.... 4_ :Wash the air filter witli soap and water. "
To avoid ereattng fire hazard, do not
clean'filter in gasoline or other flammahie solvent.
5. Squeeze the mr rater
6..Add 4 or 5 drops of off to the the air irdter.
NOTE: Avoid soaking the air filter.with oiL
t m In H,I i HI I ,m ;i
L Never use gasoline that is more than 2
m?nt_ old in_ fuel_mixtur._. Gasollne b_
i _to_fe'ak <town m_er a_hort perlod oftime and _
form compounds tl_t cause hard starting and
damage in 2-eycle ev_e_. .
2. Insl?eCt the unit for fuel leaks each time zt is
use_. Repair or rep|acepart_ as nece_
Replace t]_e starter rope if the rope 'breaks or is
badly worn. "
When replacing an unbroRen rope_ cut the
rope and allow the rope to rewind onto the pulley.
........... ,= i........
DO not remove the Pulley when replacing the
starter ro_e.:.Always wear eye protection _when
servicing the starter rope. The recoil sprin_ lo-
eared beneath the pulley; is undex tension. If the
spring pops out, serious injury can result.
'J ,,i ,,i , , i i,,llll "l ,,, J,i
To Fepair or replace:
L ]_scennect sperk plug wire from the sperk P!Ug,_]
,Ure I_ Ol_m i_e vamuminIet coyer _ _:
, _ :/.v_a't a s_wdrivexlnto theIatch opening._ Fig-.
._; .ure 14(inset).
b. Gently twist the scr_..driver while open_g the
vacuum inlet cover ruth your other hand.
3. Remove the impeller nut and washers whiIe hold-
ing the _el_d-. z4.
4.. Remoye.t]_e4 "_m_i.pe_eershZ_¢udscrews. Figure I,.
"_The_ remove the 2 engine shroud screws located
, bythe sp_kplug. Figure 15. Remove the _mpel-
• letshro_zd_mtheengine_ • ._._,_.._._-.,,,.
then remove the lmlley housing and pulley from
the engine. Figure _6.
6. Remove the rope r_talner screw fr0m pulley; then,
remove the broken piece of rope, if an_. Figure !7.
7. Grasp the pulley ratchet and wind the pulley
ddclrwiseuntilthepulleyStOps. Ther_ slowlyun-
wind thepulleycoun_terdock_fseunt_ thepu_ey
_z_h-I_h_wim me ptuiey _ousmg notch.
Figure 17. Insert the hex wrench _ntothe 'hole
formed by thealignednotches.Figure:17_ .....
7. Squeeze the air filter to dlstr_ute oil.
8. Reassemble the air filter onto the cover.
! CAUTION; J The holesm the an- filter must be fit-
ted over the posts on the air filter'eove_ When in-
stalling the air filter/cover _semb]_ be sure that
the filter does not hang on the choke lever screw.
9. Reassemble air filter/cover assembly to uniL Re-
choke lever to the '_ff_ position.Figure1!.
3. Using a fuel mix or g_soline over 2 months.
old _ill eai_se the engir_to I_edifficult or im.
possible to start. " . _" " " "
4. -Empty the fuel tank before storing the unit.
Use up fuel ]eft in the carburetor by s_ the
engine and letting it run until it stop_
,,,,,,, ,,, , , , , i, ,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,,,,,,[_
Figt_e 15.
- 10-