
Tighten wing nut securely.
Clean engine
Clean engine periodically. Remove dirt and
debris with a cloth or brush. Cleaning with a
forceful spray of water is not recommended as
water could contaminate the fuel system.
Frequently remove grass clippings, dirt and
debris from cooling fins, air intake screen and
levers and linkages. See Figure 15. This will
ensure adequate cooling and correct engine
Cooling _"
Figure 15
Spark Plug
Clean spark plug and reset the gap to .030" at
least once a season or every 50 hours of
operation. See Figure 16. Spark plug
replacement is recommended at the start of
each season. Referto engine parts listfor
correctspark plugtype.
NOTE: Do not sandb/ast spark p/ug. Spark p/ug
shou/dbe c/eaned byscraping or wire brushing and
washing with a commercia/so/vent.
.030" Feeler Gauge
k Plug
Figure 16
WARNING: Do not operate the log splitter
without a muffler, or tamper with the
exhaust system. Damaged mufflersor spark
arresterscould create a fire hazard.
WARNING: Always stop engine,
disconnect spark plug wire, andmove it
away from spark plugbefore performingany
adjustments or repairs,
See sidewall of tire for recommended pressure.
Maximum tire pressure under any
circumstances is 30 p.s.i. Equal tire pressure
should be maintained on all tires.
WARNING: Excessive pressure (over 30
p.s.i.) when seating beads may cause tire/
rimassembly toburstwith force sufficientto
cause serious injury.
If you think the carburetor on your log splitter engine
needs to be adjusted, contact Sears service center.
Engine performance may be affected in altitudes
above 4,000 feet. To improve engine performance,
instalt a High AltitudeAdjustmentKit whichis
available atany authorizedTecumseh service outlet.
Engine Speed
The engine speed on yourlogsplitter has been set at
the factory. Do not attemptto increase engine speed
or itmay resultinpersonal injury. Ifyou believe the
engine is runningtoo fast or too slow,take the
equipmenttothe nearest Sears service center for
repair and adjustment.
Important: Changing of engine governed speed will
voidengine warranty.
Flexible Pump Coupling
The flexible pumpcouplinghas a "spider" which isa
nyloninsertlocatedbetween the pumpand engine
shaft. Over a periodoftime, this insertwillharden and
deteriorate. Replace the spiderinsert and/orthe
couplinghalves ityou detectvibration or noisecoming
from the area between the engine andthe pump. tfthe