WARNING: Do not fill closer than 1/2
inchfrom the top of the fuel tank to prevent
spills and to allow for fuel expansion. If
gasoline isaccidently spilled, move chipper-
shredder away from area of spill.Avoid
creating any source of ignitionuntilgasoline
vapors have disappeared.
Check the fuel level periodically toavoid running
out of gasoline while operating the chipper-
Ifthe unitruns out of gas as itis shredding or
chipping, itmay be necessary to unclogthe unit
before itcan be restarted. Refer to Removing
the Flail Screen inSERVICE AND
Starting Engine
WARNING: Be sure no one other than
the operator isstanding near the chipper-
shredder while startingor operating. Do not
operate this chipper-shredder unless the
chute deflector has been propedy installed
and is secured with the hand knobs.
This engine conforms tothe low emissions standard
and isdesigned for maximum performance and life if
operated with the choke fully open in RUN position.
1. Attach spark
plug wire
2. Turn fuel valve
4. Move choke
5. Pull rope
Flgure 12
NOTE: Toprevent the unitfrom sliding, place your
foot firmlyagainst the tire.
• Attach spark plug wire and robber bootto spark
plug. See Figure 12.
• Always tum fuel shut.off valve to ON position
before proceeding with starting procedure.
• Move stopswitch toON position. See Figure 12.
• Move choke controlto CHOKE position.See
Figure 12. If restartinga warm engine after a
short shutdown, move choke lever to RUN
• Grasp starter handle and pull rope out slowly
until engine reaches startof compression cycle
(rope willpullslightlyharder_atthis point). Letthe
rope rewind slowly.See Figure 12.
• Pullrope with a rapid full arm stroke. Let rope --'"
return to starter slowly.
• When engine starts,let the engine warm upfor
several seconds to several minutes depending
on the temperature. Then move choke lever
towards RUN positionuntilengine runs
• Movingthe choke gradually towards RUN allows
the engine to accept small changes inspeed
and load untilthe choke isfully open at RUN
• Move choke lever to RUN position as engine
warms up.
• Ifengine fails to start after three pulls,move
choke lever to RUN positionand pull starter rope
• Ifengine fires, but does not continue to run,
move choke lever toChoke positionand pull
rope again.
NOTE: A noise willbe heard when finding thestart of
the compression cycle. Thisnoise iscaused by the
flailsand fingers whichare part ofthe shredding
mechanism fallingintoplace, and shouldbe
expected. In addition,the flailsand fingers willbe
noisyafter theengine isstarted, until the impeller
reaches fullspeed.
Stopping Engine
• Move stop switchtoOFF-_osit'_n.
• Turn fuel shut-offvalve to OFF position.
• Disconnectspark plug wire and move away from
spark plugto prevent accidental starting.
,_ WARNING: Do not move choke controlto
CHOKE position to stop the engine. Sedous
engine damage may occur.
Using Your Chipper-Shredder
_lb ARNING: Do not attempt to shred or
chip any material otherthan vegetation
found in a normal yard (i.e., branches,
leaves, twigs,etc.).
• The chipper-shredder isdesigned for two
different methods ofoperation.
a. Leaves and small branches up to 1/2"
diameter (maximum) can be fed intothe