Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine Flash PC Card Installation Note
Using Flash PC Cards
Table 1 Commands for Using and Managing Flash Devices
Task Command
Copy a Flash file to a TFTP server, another
Flash device, or to the running
copy m/device:filename {tftp | flash | m/device:filename |
Copy a file from a TFTP server to a Flash
device or to the running configuration.
copy tftp {flash | m/device:filename | config}
Copy a file from Flash memory to a TFTP
server or to a Flash device, or to the
running configuration.
copy flash {tftp | m/device:filename | config}
Copy the running configuration to another
Flash device or to a TFTP server.
copy config {flash | m/device:filename | tftp}
Set the BOOT environment variable. set boot system flash device:[filename] [prepend]
Format a Flash PC device. format [spare spare-number] [m/]device1: [[device2:]
Specify the boot field in the configuration
register, which determines the boot
method the switch will use at the next
set boot config-register boot {rommon | bootflash |
system} [mod_num]
Display the contents of the BOOT
environment variable.
show boot [mod_num]
Clear a specific image from the BOOT
environment variable.
clear boot system flash device:[filename] [mod_num]
Clear the entire BOOT environment
clear boot system all [mod_num]
Display a list of files on a Flash device. dir [[m/]device:][filename] [all | deleted | long]
Set the default Flash device for the system. cd [[m/][bootflash: | slot0:]]
Verify the default Flash device for the
pwd [mod_num]
Delete a file on a Flash device. delete [[m/]device:]filename
Undelete a file on a Flash device. undelete index [[m/]device:]
Permanently remove all deleted files on a
Flash device.
squeeze [m/]device:
Identify the supported Flash devices on the
show flash devices
Display information about the Flash PC. show flash [[m/]device:] [all | chips | filesys]
Verify the checksum of a file on a Flash
verify [[m/]device:] filename