Bosch Supplier Logistics Manual, Release. 3.0
Robert Bosch GmbH, CP/LOG, 07.05.2007 Page 19(35)
confirmed the stock balance quoted. Quantity discrepancies shall be eliminated by SUPPLIER with the
assistance of the responsible BOSCH packaging planner and/or the EDL.
In this context and in the case of complaints (for example caused by quantity differences, waste,
damage) the supplier has to provide photos, a short description with reference to the delivery note
number to the responsible Bosch Returnable Packaging Planer.
If the complaint is already visible after transfer from the service provider the driver of the forwarder has
to sign off on that complaint at the shipping note. This voucher must be forwarded to the Bosch
packaging planner as well. Otherwise the complaint will not be accepted. The following procedure has
to be agreed with the Bosch packaging planner on a case by case basis.
Euro pallets and Euro box pallets are subject to the standard local and industry specific regulations. In
case of doubt, the regulations of the European Pallet Association (Internet: www.epal-pallets.org
) shall
by apply.
Quantity discrepancies or shrinkage shall be compensated immediately at the current replacement
value by the PARTY deemed responsible.
2.2.3 Supply of empties
If SUPPLIER fails to request or procure packaging at the appropriate time, it shall bear the additional
costs that may be incurred (such as shipping or repacking costs).
a) Poolable Euro pallets / Euro box pallets
Euro pallets and Euro box pallets are subject to the standard local and industry-specific regulations. In
cases of doubt, the regulations of the European Pallet Association (Internet: http://www.epal-
pallets.org) shall apply.
b) BOSCH-specific empties and poolable small load carriers (e.g. VDA "KLT")
SUPPLIER shall request the required empties promptly in written form, allowing for factors such as
transportation times. The call-off quantity is determined by Bosch based on the volumes due for
delivery. Requested returnable empties shall be supplied by BOSCH at no extra cost to SUPPLIER, to
a defined delivery point (as stated in the agreed terms and conditions of delivery). Within the
framework of Kanban processing a 1:1-trade-off full against empty empties can be arranged between
2.2.4 Storage, Repair and Replacement Procurement
The supplier is responsible for a proper storage (weather protected) of the returnables after transfer of
the returnables from the Bosch forwarder. The returnables have to be stored in that way that
contamination before, during and after the production process can be avoided. If contamination occurs
during this period the SUPPLIER has to clean the returnables provided by BOSCH at its own expense.
BOSCH shall repair or scrap damaged returnables as appropriate. BOSCH shall charge 50% of the
repair or current replacement value to SUPPLIER – if there is no other bilateral agreement between
BOSCH and SUPPLIER. Packing materials used by more than one supplier at any one time shall be