Language Dictionary - 6
int cfSetAutoConnect(CF_HANDLE server, CF_BOOLEAN on_off);
This command turns the automatic reconnect feature of the mccd.dll file located on the client
computer on or off. The Agilent MCCD mainframe server will close a connection if there is no
activity for a period longer than the time set by cfSetServerTimeout. If the automatic reconnect
feature is set to CF_ON, the client mccd.dll will automatically try to reconnect to an Agilent
MCCD mainframe server whose connection has been lost whenever an API function call is made.
If the automatic reconnect feature is set to CF_OFF, API functions will return an error if the
server connection has been lost. In this case client programs should make sure that they
communicate with the server at intervals smaller than the time set by cfSetServerTimeout, or the
server will close the connection due to inactivity.
At the time the mccd.dll is first loaded, the auto connect feature is set to CF_ON.
CAUTION Direct output control should not be used for charging cells. There is no protection
against overcharging when using direct output control. Use this mode only for
diagnostic and debugging purposes.
int cfSetCurrent(CF_HANDLE server, float current);
Sets the output current in the IDLE state for diagnostic or debugging purposes. The server
argument can be either a handle to a group obtained by cfOpenGroup, or a handle to all cells in
the instrument if no groups are defined.
Agilent MCCD outputs can be directly controlled for diagnostic and debugging purposes without
defining a sequence of steps and tests. Direct output control commands can only be used in the
CF_IDLE state. Voltage, current, and output state settings are set on all outputs simultaneously.
Whenever the unit leaves the CF_IDLE state, settings are reset to their power-on values.
See Also
cfGetCurrent, cfSetVoltage, cfSetOutputState