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Remote Shutdown Naturally, when you are not using the PROsine, you will disable the inverter to
conserve your battery. The PROsine still draws up to 50mA of battery current,
however—and this will eventually discharge the battery. So when you don’t need
the PROsine for an extended period of time, you can reduce battery draw to less
than 1mA by setting the PROsine’s ON/OFF/REM switch to OFF.
This disables all circuitry in the PROsine and removes all power from the display
panel. Setting the PROsine’s ON/OFF/REM to REMOTE lets you achieve the
same result using a conveniently located system “kill” switch. This feature is
particularly valuable for vehicles like ambulances where it is imperative that the
system not draw power when the vehicle motor is not running.
Built-in Charge
For the inverter to perform at the highest level, the batteries must be charged
correctly. Every battery has a unique charge formula (or “algorithm”) dictated by
the manufacturer for optimal performance. The PROsine has twenty-one built-in
formulas to charge your batteries correctly—and you have the ability to fine tune
these formulas to meet the needs of new models or specialized batteries.
Temperature Sensor
Since battery temperature is a key factor in correct charging, the charging formula
must be adjusted (automatically and in real time) according to the actual battery
temperature to ensure that batteries are fully, but not over charged. For this reason,
Xantrex has included a battery temperature sensor with your PROsine and has
temperature compensated the charge algorithm.
Equalization Mode
Over a period of time, the cells in a flooded battery can develop uneven chemical
states. This can result in a weak (undercharged) cell which, in turn, can reduce the
overall capacity of the battery. To improve the life and performance of a non-
sealed flooded battery, the PROsine’s multi-stage charging cycle includes a
manual Equalize mode that should be used occasionally to restore an equal
chemical state to all cells.
Dead Battery
In addition to the numerous features which let you maximize your battery’s life
and performance, the PROsine—unlike many chargers—also has the ability to
recharge batteries even if the voltage is near zero.