Warning Messages
445-0089-01-01 6–5
Inv Hi Bat V -W High battery voltage, invert mode.
Check for external charging sources and disable
if necessary.
Chg Hi Bat V -W Battery voltage exceeds 15.5V in
charge mode.
AC In Rev Pol -W Input AC line and neutral wiring
polarity is reserved. Check to see that
the Line side of the AC source
(shorepower) has a voltage to ground
and the neutral side does not. May also
occur if the shorepower neutral is
floating (not connected to earth)
The unit will continue to operate. For safest
operation, however, you should correct the AC
input wiring
AC Out Ovrload -W AC output overload. Reduce the AC load so that even for short times,
AC output current does not exceed 26A.
Low AC In V -W AC input voltage too low. Check for bad cabling.
There may be too many loads on the AC supply
Reduce the AC dropout level.
High AC In V -W AC input voltage too high. Check the AC input (shorepower) source voltage
and correct if necessary or raise the AC input
high voltage limit.
Bat Temp Short -W Battery temperature sensor short
Install a new sensor.
Memory Warning EEPROM memory CRC is incorrect Call Xantrex.
Equalizing! The unit is equalizing. Refer to page 5–8: disconnect any sensitive
loads and monitor battery electrolyte level and
S.G. throughout.
Unit attempting to
Auto Restart After Error has been
enabled, the error has cleared, and the
unit is restarting.
The unit will re-start and provide 120VAC
output without warning.
Disconnect any AC loads that could be
hazardous if they were to become re-energized
without warning.
Table 6-2
Warning Messages
Warning Message Details Action