OM 0182SB-A 21
All parts are illustrated in "exploded views" which show the individual parts in their normal relationship to
each other. Reference nums are used in the illustrations. These nums correspond to those in the
"Reference Num" (REF) column, and are followed by the description and quantity required.
O/L - "Obtain Locally" in the part number column indicates common hardware that is available at your local
hardware supply.
All reference to right and left, forward or rearward, is from the operator seat facing the equipment while in
Orders must give the complete description, correct part num, the total amount required, the serial num, the
method of shipment and the shipping address.
The manufacturer reserves the rights to change, modify, or eliminate from time to time, for technical or
other reasons, certain or all data, specifications, or the product or products themselves, without any liability
or obligation.
The parts listed here are available through your local dealer.