VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual
Command Groups
This section lists IntelliFrame Mainframe commands by functional groups. A
question symbol surrounded by brackets [?] identifies commands that also have a
query form.
Display Commands
Commands in the DISPlay subsystem display user defined messages on the front
panel of VX1420A mainframes or VX1410A mainframes with option 1M
(display). Note that the standard VX1410A mainframe does not include a front
panel display. Detailed information on the DISPlay command and query begins
on Page 3–27.
Table 3–7: Display commands
Header Description
[:DATA][?] Sets or queries user defined messages to display on the front
panel readout.
:MARQuee [?] Sets or queries the marquee status to scroll the display
Status Commands
Commands in the STATus subsystem, along with several IEEE 488.2 Common
Commands, control the status and event reporting system. Detailed information
on the STATus subsystem begins on page 3–31.
Table 3–8: Status commands
Header Description
:OPERation? Returns the contents of the Operation Event register as
a decimal number.
:CONDition? Returns the contents of the Operation Condition register.
:ENABle[?] Sets or queries the contents of the Operation Event
Enable register.