VX1410A & VX1420A IntelliFrame Mainframe Instruction Manual
Status and Events
The IntelliFrame Mainframe complies with SCPI version 1995.0. You can use
the SYSTem:VERSion? command to read the latest version or the *IDN?
command to read a more detailed identification message.
The IntelliFrame Mainframe supports the Status Byte model shown in
Figure 3–11. The figure shows the core of the SCPI-required status reporting
The status registers fit into a 16-bit integer with the most-significant bit always
zero (positive logic). Unused or “don’t care” bits in masks and registers always
return zeros when queried.
The Operation Status register and the Questionable Status register outputs are
logically ORed together as shown in Figure 3–11.
The Operation Status register contains information on the normal operation of
the IntelliFrame Mainframe In particular, bit 8 contains summary information on
the VXI Monitor status register (see Figure 3–12). The VXI Monitor Status
register monitors activity on bits 0 through 3.