Fuel Economy Driving 195
Driving Habits
The way in which a vehicle is being driven
is the one factor which has the greatest in-
fluence on fuel consumption. Correct
driving saves fuel and reduces vehicle wear.
To achieve optimal running economy, the
driver should always remember to:
Start the engine correctly (especially
important in winter season)
Maintain an even and correct speed
Keep the engine at its optimum speed
Use the correct uphill and downhill
driving technique.
Starting the Engine
Start the engine according to the instruc-
tions in the Operator’s Manual of the
engine manufacturer (for a Volvo engine,
see page 198). A proper start, especially
during the cold season, saves fuel and re-
duces engine wear.
Sluggish lube oil in the engine makes cold
starting more difficult. Therefore, it is im-
portant to always use engine oil with the
correct viscosity. (For the sake of the over-
all fuel economy, it is also important to
have the right viscosity of transmission and
rear axle oils.)