6 General Information
Reporting Safety Defects
The National Highway Traffic Safety Ad-
ministration (NHTSA) and Volvo Trucks
North America, Inc. should be informed
immediately if you believe that the vehicle
has a defect that could cause a crash, injury
or death.
Contact NHTSA by calling the Auto Safety
Hotline at 1 (800) 424–9393 (or 366–0123
in the Washington, DC area) or by writing
to: NHTSA, U. S. Department of Trans-
portation, Washington, DC 20590.
1 (800) 424-9393
Refer consumer complaints to Volvo Trucks
Canada, Inc. or to the Transport Canada -
Department of Public Complaints, Recalls
and Investigations.
1 (905) 795-1555
Volvo Trucks of Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
should be informed immediately if you be-
lieve the vehicle has a defect that could
cause a crash, injury or death. Contact
Volvo Trucks de Mexico by calling or by
writing to: Volvo Trucks de Mexico, S.A.
de C.V., Prol. Paseo de la Reforma 600,
1er. Piso — 121, Col. Santa Fe Peña
Blanca, C.P. 01210, México, D.F.
01 (800) 90 94 900
NOTE! For a listing of other contacts for
information or help, see page 287.