WM Configuration
VBrick WM Appliance Admin Guide 25
Figure 7. Configuration: Encoder > Video – Part 1
Windows Media Encoder Video -- Slot1
Note In Edit mode, the parameters affected by template settings (set in the Configuration:
Encoder > Template) are shown at the bottom of the screen. These settings override the
template; they do not change the template.
Video Format The format can be configured as NTSC (30 fps) or PAL (25 fps).
Video Aspect Ratio The WM appliance will offer different choices for resolutions and
frame rates depending on the selected Video Aspect Ratio. Aspect
ratio is the ratio of the width of the image to the height of the image.
Standard TV images generally use an aspect ratio of 4:3; DVD players
and some camera can produce 16:9. Set this value to match the video
input source, either 4:3 or 16:9. Use
Zoom to 16:9 to have standard 4:3
cameras produce streaming video that fits on 16:9 monitors.
Zoom to
is selectable for NTSC only at resolutions of 640x360 and
640x180. When using multiple bit rates,
• if Video Rate1 is 640x480 then Video Rate2 and Video Rate3 must
be 320x240.
• If Video Rate1 is 320x480 then Video Rate2 and Video Rate3
cannot be encoded.
• If Video Rate1 is 640x360 then Video Rate2 and Video Rate3 must
be 320x180.
Video Input Type The input can be changed to accept either Composite or S-Video