4 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
The Microsoft Windows Media 9 product suite divides transport functionality between two
distinct products—the encoder and the server. In some applications the VBrick WM
Appliance provides the same functionality as the Microsoft encoder in that it can encode live
video and audio and provide a unicast stream to a Microsoft Windows Media server which
then may relay the stream to the many players using various transport protocols. In other
applications, the VBrick WM Appliance replaces both the Microsoft encoder and the server.
It can directly support a large number of players connected via unicast (maximum 200) and it
can multicast to an unlimited number of players. The VBrick WM Appliance supports direct
player unicast connections, server unicast connections, and direct player multicast
connections—all at the same time.
The VBrick WM Appliance can multicast to any number of players directly after using the
Configuration: Encoder > Multicast settings to enter a multicast address and port for the
session. There are many ways for a Windows Media player to access the multicast stream
from a VBrick WM Appliance but here are some of the most common. (For more detailed
information, see Multicast Playback
on page 37.)
T To access a Windows Media multicast:
• Distribute the Windows Media .asx file. You can get an "announcement file" (*.asx) from
the VBrick by right-clicking on the playback hyperlinks in IWS. Once moved to a
Windows computer, the user can double-click the .asx file to launch the Windows Media
Player and view the multicast. (A standard Windows system associates the .asx extension
with the Windows Media Player.)
• Use an HTTP URL to access the .asx file on the VBrick. You can create a web page that
contains an HTTP link to the multicast asx file on the VBrick or you can open the
multicast asx URL using Windows Media Player or a web browser.
• Use VBrick StreamPlayer Program Guide. VBrick's StreamPlayer product adds an
automatic program guide to Windows Media Player. Each WM Appliance on your
network is automatically listed in the program guide on the player. You simply click on
the entry in the program guide to play the stream.
• Use VBrick's EtherneTV Portal Server (v3.2 or later). The Portal Server is a fully
integrated video solution with automatic program guides and an integrated player for live
streams from all types of VBrick appliances as well as on-demand streams from video
servers. EtherneTV offers many advanced features such as scheduling, recording, and
access control.
The WM Appliance can support up to 200 simultaneous unicast destinations depending on
bit rate and other configuration options. There are many ways for a Windows Media player to
access the unicast stream from a VBrick WM Appliance but here are some of the most
common. (For more detailed information, see Unicast Playback
on page 44.)
T To access a Windows Media unicast:
• Distribute a Windows Media .asx file. You can get an "announcement file" (*.asx) from the
VBrick by right-clicking on the playback hyperlinks in IWS. Once moved to a Windows
computer, the user can double-click the .asx file to launch the Windows Media Player and
view the unicast. (A standard Windows system associates the .asx extension with the
Windows Media Player.)