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2.2. Unregister the application from the USI.DLL
Function Description: Unregister the application from the DLL. It will close the scanner port, and by
default it will disable the scanner.
Function call: void USI_Unregister();
Return code: None
2.3. Enable / Disable Scanner
Function Description: To start or stop USI function. This function is useful for application to temporarily
stop scanner function if it is only need keypad input or keep clear input buffer.
Function call: BOOL USI_EnableScan(BOOL bStatus);
Parameter: (input)
bStatus: TRUE : Enable Scanner
FALSE : Disable Scanner
Return code: BOOL : TRUE : OK
FALSE : Failure
2.4. Reset Scanner
Function Description: Set the scanner to the working mode, and reset the communication control.
Function call: BOOL USI_Reset();
Return: Always TRUE
2.5. Get error code
Function Description: Returns the error code (SERR_***).
Function call: DWORD USI_GetError();
Return: Returns the error code (SERR_***), which has been described in
USI_Register function.
2.6. Returns the system error code
Function Description: Returns the system error code, which is returned by GetLastError. It will also
return the description of the error in buffer if it is not NULL.
Function call: DWORD USI_GetLastSysError(LPTSTR buffer, int len);
Return: Returns the system error code, which is returned by system function
GetLastError. It will also return the description of the error in buffer retrieved by
system function FormatMessage if it is not NULL.
For a complete list of error codes, refer to the SDK header file WINERROR.H.