
2.10. Clear scan data system buffer
Function Description:
Reset the data buffer so that next new scan data can come in.
Function call:
void USI_ResetData();
2.11. Good read indicator
Function Description:
Inform a good receiving of scan data, this will play a sound (wave file scanok.wav) and
light the LED lasting for 1 second.
Function call:
void USI_ReadOK();
USI will call the function GoodReadLEDOn function exported by the DLL defined in the registry
described below (UPI300.DLL is an example) to turn on and off the LED. If the DLL is not defined or
the function is not found, USI will bypass the call of GoodReadLEDOn.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Unitech America Inc.\Scanner\Settings]
The function prototype of GoodReadLEDOn is:
Turn on when fon is TRUE, and turn off when fon is FALSE.
2.12. Wait for acknowledgement of the last sent command
Function Description:
Wait for acknowledgement of the last sent command until timeout. It is useful when a
serial of commands needs to be sent at a time. Before call USI_SendCommand, call
USI_WaitForSendEchoTO to make sure that the previous command is done.
Function call:
BOOL USI_WaitForSendEchoTO(DWORD timeout);
Parameter: (input)
timeout: DWORD : Specifies the timeout in millisecond.
Returns FALSE if timeout.
2.13. Save setting to profiles
Function Description:
Save current settings of scanner so that the settings will be persistent when the unit get
power off and on again.
Function call:
BOOL USI_SaveCurrentSettings();
Return : TRUE if success,
otherwise FALSE.