Unibrain Fire-i 501/511/601/701/702/810 Operation Manual Page 52
4.4. One-Shot and Multi-Shot
This camera supports One-Shot and Multi-Shot features. The camera should be in a Iso_disabled mode before the
execution of those commands. If the camera is Iso_enabled mode already, those commands are ignored.
One-Shot (grab one frame) and Multi-Shot (grab 1 ~ 65,535 frames) can be used combined with a hardware trigger
which grabs either one frame or multi frame according to the command respectively.
The command can be executed configuring the following registers.
One-Shot Multi-Shot
Address F0F0061CH Address F0F0061CH
Data 80000000h Data 4000nnnh
nnnn is the number of frames output which can be from any number between 0001h ~ FFFFh.(1~ 65,535)
Priority of the command execution is as follows. Continuous Æ One-shot Æ Multi-shot.
When a command with higher priority is being executed the command with lower priority shall be ignored.
4.5. Multi-Camera Auto-sync
Not supported in 3.75 fps
In applications incorporating multi camera, there is often a need to synchronize the cameras. Multi-Camera Auto
Synchronization is supported utilizing the FireWire bus time cycle register which is connected on the same FireWire bus.
A maximum of 3 cameras can be auto synchronized.
The video mode of the camera must be set within the limit of a single FireWire bus bandwidth of 400Mbps. Also the
maximum shutter value must be set as per the table below not exceeding the FireWire bus cycle time. Jitter may occur
due to CPU operation timing.
Fire-i 501/511 Fire-i 601 Fire-i 701/702 Fire-i 810
Max Shutter Max Shutter Max Shutter Max Shutter
Value Time Value Time Value Time Value Time
60 1110 16.5ms - - - - -
30 1276 33.1ms 1270 32.5ms - - - -
15 1608 66.3ms 1598 65.3ms 1612 66.7ms 1606 66.1ms
7.5 1760 131ms 1758 129ms 1761 132ms 1760 131ms
3.75 1893 264ms 1889 260ms 1895 266ms 1893 264ms
To utilize Auto-sync, please set Bit 31 to Auto-sync Enable, and then check the Bit 27 to verify whether it is ready.
Please refer the details as the following table.
Auto-Sync Mode control register
Bit 31 : auto sync enable
Bit 30 : SIO enable mode (0 : custom mode, 1 : IIDC v1.31)
Bit 27 : auto sync complete (read only. 1: ready, 0: not yet auto-sync)