Unibrain Fire-i 501/511/601/701/702/810 Operation Manual Page 50
4.3. Pan/Tilt
Pan/Tilt is a function used to move a camera up and down or left and right. However unlike the mechanical Pan /Tilt
which is carried out by physically moving the camera up and down, this functions by using smaller video mode than
the CCD’s effective pixel and moving the image up and down. This results of a cut off pixel from the whole image
which user can specify by the Pan/Tilt command. Pan/Tilt range and values depend on the characteristic of each CCD
used in the camera respectively as per the following tables. Note that at Format 7 mode, the pan/tilt value must be set
at non-format 7 mode before operation.
Physical CCD Pixel
Effective Pixel
Kh = Kh
1 + Kh2 Kv = Kv1 +Kv2
Pan/Tilt Details for Fire-i 501/511
Image Size Movement
Fire-i 501b/511b
Kh =12, Kv=12
Fire-i 501c/511c
Kh=8, Kv=10
Range(Incr.=1) Default Range(Incr.=2) Default
320 x 240
Pan 160 ~ 492 326 160 ~ 488 324
Tilt 120 ~ 372 246 120 ~ 370 242
640 x 480
Pan 320 ~ 332 326 320 ~ 328 324
Tilt 240 ~ 252 246 240 ~ 250 242
640 x 480
Format 7 Mode 0
Pan 320 ~ 332 326 320 ~ 328 324
Tilt 240 ~ 252 246 240 ~ 250 242
320 x 240
Format 7 Mode 1
Pan 320 ~ 332 326 - -
Tilt 240 ~ 252 246 - -
640 x 240
Format 7 Mode 2
Pan 320 ~ 332 326 - -
Tilt 240 ~ 252 246 - -
Pan/Tilt Details for Fire-i 601
Image Size Movement
Fire-i 601b
Kh=8, Kv=8
Fire-i 601c
Kh=8 Kv=8
Range(Incr.=1) Default Range(Incr.=2) Default
320 x 240
Pan 160 ~ 872 516 160 ~ 872 516
Tilt 120 ~ 656 388 120 ~ 656 388
640 x 480
Pan 320 ~ 712 516 320 ~ 712 516
Tilt 240 ~ 536 388 240 ~ 536 388
1024 x 768
Pan 400 ~ 632 516 400 ~ 632 516
Tilt 300 ~ 476 388 300 ~ 476 388
1024 x 768
Format 7 Mode 0
Pan 512 ~ 520 516 512 ~ 520 516
Tilt 384 ~ 392 388 384 ~ 392 388