About Mold
Mold can grow whenever there is moisture, warmth, and food. Nevertheless,
you can minimize the problem by being vigilant during the rst few days of
sprouting. Change the water daily. If you see a lot of foam or discoloration,
that is the signal to refresh the water. Two common products, hydrogen per-
oxide and liquid grapefruit seed extract, available in drug stores and health
food stores, can help deter mold. Add approximately ½ cup of hydrogen
peroxide to the water barrel or add a few drops of grapefruit seed extract.
About Light
Normal daylight is all you need
to develop deep green looking
sprouts. If your Freshlife location
is shady, you can remove the
cover once the sprouts have started
greening (usually the last 2-3 days
before harvest). e Freshlife can
operate safely without a cover
during this period. In addition
to more light, the sprouts also
get more air which is especially
benecial in hot weather.
Direct sunlight is not necessary and, in fact, may overheat your crop in hot
weather. Reduce contact with direct sunlight when temperatures are above
90°F in hot weather. Full spectrum or grow lights are recommended if you
have insucient natural light.
Optional Method for Growing Mung and Soybeans
e Freshlife sprouter has a feature for growing juicy mung and soy sprouts.
Follow the basic instructions by placing a black sprouter tray on top of
the beans. Now set 4 evenly placed weights on top of the tray. Use apples
or clean stones. eir weight gives these bean sprouts something to push
against making them fatter and sweeter.
Sunflower sprouts grow 8-10 inches tall in the
Freshlife Sprouter.