The sprinkler head separates for periodic
maintenance. Film and gel from the seed
jackets can clog the tiny water outlets.
Tips for Happy Sprouting
About Seeds
Use organically grown seeds whenever possible. When not available, choose
seeds that are certied pesticide and chemical-free. Just as seed quality is
critical for a successful outdoor garden, it is absolutely essential to select
high quality sprouting grade seed for your indoor garden. Our favorite
brand is “Sproutman’s Organic Sprouting Seeds” (www. tribestlife.com). You
can grow any good sprouting seed in your Freshlife sprouter, but our most
popular suggestions are listed below.
Some Popular Sprouting Seeds
# of Tbsp
to plant
Days of Growth Description & Taste
Alfalfa 5-6 7 Mild, all purpose
Clover 5-6 7 Spicier cousin of alfalfa
Radish 2-3 5-6 Very radishy & hot
Garlic 2-3 12 Powerful garlic avor
Wheatgrass 7 9 Medicinal green juice
Sunower 6 9 Hearty texture & avor
Sweet Pea Shoots 9 8 Crsip, tall, leafy
Soybean 9 5 Mild, juicy, crisp
Mungbean 8 4-5 Crunchy, delicious
Broccoli 2-3 5-6 Small, rich in avor
Buckwheat 5 10 Mild avor, big leaf
Fenugreek 4-5 6-7 Tall, healthly, bitter herb
Cabbage 2-3 5-6 Small size, rich avor