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5.5.6. Detail of input and output signals
1. Output signals (Master -> Inverter)
The output signals from the master unit are indicated. (Input signals to inverter)
Device No. Signal Description
RYn0 Forward run command OFF: Stop command ON: Forward run command***
RYn1 Reverse run command OFF: Stop command ON: Reverse run command***
RYn2 Input terminal function 3(S1) The function depends on input terminal selection 3 (c142) *
RYn3 Input terminal function 4(S2) The function depends on input terminal selection 4 (c143) *
RYn4 Input terminal function 5(S3) The function depends on input terminal selection 5 (c144) *
RYn5 Input terminal function 6(S4) The function depends on input terminal selection 6 (c145) *
RYn6 Input terminal function (PIOFF) The function depends on input terminal selection 7 (c146) *
RYn7 Input terminal function 8(AD1) The function depends on input terminal selection 8 (c147) *
RYn8 Input terminal function 9(ESTP) The function depends on input terminal selection 9 (c148) *
Intercept output to inverter
(Coast stop)
Stop the output of the inverter when turned on this signal.
(Stop the output in the secondary circuit)
Frequency priority CC-Link
Speed commands are entered from the CC-Link.
Command priority CC-Link
Signals from the CC-Link are used to start and stop operation
Monitor command
When the monitor command (RYnC) is switched on, each
monitored values are set to remote registers RWrn, RWrn+1,
RWrn+4 to RWrn+7 and monitoring flag (RXnC) switches on.
While the monitor command (RYnC) is on, the monitored
value is always updated.
Frequency setting command
When the frequency setting command (RYnD) is switched
on, the set frequency RWwn+1 is written to the inverter.
After the writing completion, frequency setting completion flag
(RXnD) switches on.
When the frequency setting command (RYnD) is ON, the set
frequency is always updated.
RYnE Reserved** Reserved**
RYnF Instruction code execution request
When the instruction code execution request (RYnF) is
switched on, processes corresponding to the instruction codes
are set to RWwn+2, RWwn+10, RWwn+12, RWwn+14,
RWwn+16 and RWwn+18 are executed.
After completion of instruction code execution, instruction code
execution completion flag (RXnF) switches on.
When an instruction code execution error occurs, a value other
than 0 is set to the reply code (RWrn+2, RWrn+10, RWrn+12,
RWrn+14, RWrn+16 and RWrn+18)
The instruction code execution request is effective only when
this signal changes from OFF to ON.
Special monitor (72H) is chosen by the instruction code, and
this signal always updates a monitor value during ON.
to Y(n+1)9
Reserved** Reserved**
RY(n+1)A Error reset request
If the error reset request (RY(n+1)A) is switched on only
when an inverter fault occurs, the inverter is reset and the
error status flag (RX(n+1)A) switches off.
to RY(n+1)F
Reserved** Reserved**
"n" is depend on the station number.
* The input terminal function can be changed by the input terminal function selections(
c142 to c148).
(But there are functional restrictions. Refer to the following page.)
** Set OFF (“0”) to reserved bit.
***When RYn0 and RYn1 are ON simultaneously, the rotation is followed a parameter f105(default = stop).