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Thank you for purchasing the “CC-Link
option (CCL003Z)” for TOSVERT VF-S15 drive.
This option can connect with open field network CC-Link and data communications with
the CC-Link master through installing this option in the VF-S15 and using it. Besides this
instruction manual, the “CC-Link option Instruction Manual” is required to develop
software communicating with VF-S15.
This option needs the option adaptor to connect VF-S15 which type form is SBP009Z.
Please match here and buy it when SBP009Z is not at hand yet.
After reading this function manual, please keep it handy for future reference.
For details of its general handling, see an instruction manual attached with the option
- TOSVERT VF-S15 Instruction Manual ·························································· E6581611
- TOSVERT VF-MB1/S15 communication option Precautions Manual··········· E6581739
- TOSVERT VF-S15 Communication Function Instruction Manual················· E6581913
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