
Chapter 7
Features of TiVo Plus Service
Finding New Programs
TiVo Suggestions
TiVo Suggestions is a personalized list of shows selected to match your preferences. How
is this magic possible? Any time you watch programs, live or pre-recorded, or browse
programs with the Program Guide, in Showcases, or in TiVolution Magazine, you can rate
them by pressing the THUMBS UP and THUMBS DOWN buttons ( ). You can
give a program up to three Thumbs Up or three Thumbs Down. Also, any time you choose
to record a program, it automatically gets one Thumbs Up. Over time, the more shows you
rate, the better TiVo Suggestions will be at finding programs you like.
Suggested programs based on your ratings appear in TiVo Suggestions in order of how
closely they match your preferences. From TiVo Central, select Pick Programs to Record,
then TiVo Suggestions. If you want to record a program, select it and the Program
Information screen appears.
Auto-Recording TiVo Suggestions. As an added bonus, when the DMS has available
space, it automatically records TiVo Suggestions. You will find recorded Suggestions on
Now Playing, listed below programs you requested. Or, if you have Groups turned on (see
page 109), Suggestions recordings will appear in their own group.
It’s important to remember these characteristics of TiVo Suggestions recordings:
TiVo Suggestions never replace shows you request, or prevent your requested shows
from being recorded.
TiVo Suggestions are always the first programs deleted to make room for recordings
you request.
You can turn auto-recording of TiVo Suggestions on and off. Just go to TiVo Central, then
select messages & Setup, then Settings, then Recording, then TiVo Suggestions.
If other members of your household
are pressing THUMBS UP on shows
you don’t care for, and vice versa, you may
find that TiVo Suggestions is making
some suggestions that you like, and some
that are more appropriate for others in
your household.
The TiVo icon to the left of the
program title indicates that it was
recorded as a TiVo Suggestion.
Your personal TV preferences are
just that: personal. All that
information is stored in the Recorder, in
your living room. For more information on
the TiVo Privacy Policy, see Chapter 10 or
visit www.tivo.com/privacy.