Chapter 7
Features of TiVo Plus Service
Tips for entering keywords:
• To specify an exact phrase in a Keyword or Title WishList, surround a set of words
with quotation marks (to enter quotation marks, press PAUSE ( ). For example,
the keyword PAUL SIMON might also turn up a documentary about Simon Bolivar
with a director whose name is Paul. Use “PAUL SIMON” to be certain you find only
programs that feature Paul Simon.
• If you enter more than one keyword in a Keyword or Title WishList, it finds only
programs that match all of your keywords (for example, “GEENA DAVIS” FLY).
• If you want to include an exact phrase and additional keywords, there should be a
space between the final quotation mark and the beginning of the next word. You can
enter a space by selecting SP on the grid of letters or by pressing FORWARD ( ).
• Replace hyphens ( - ), slashes ( / ) and periods ( . ) with spaces. For example, you
would use the keyword 20 20 to search for the title “20/20.” For an Actor WishList for
Catherine Zeta-Jones, use ZETA JONES, CATHERINE. You can enter a space by
selecting SP on the grid of letters or by pressing FORWARD ( ).
• Any other marks, such as apostrophes ( ’ ) and ampersands ( & ), are ignored. For
example, you would use the keyword phrase 6 OCLOCK NEWS to search for the title
“6 O’Clock News.” (Note that commas ( , ) are also ignored, except in an actor or
director WishList, where they are essential.)
• For dollar signs ( $ ) substitute the letter S. For example, to find “$100,000 Pyramid,”
use S100000. (In Search by Title, skip the dollar signs to find these titles.)
If you like music performances, try a
keyword WishList for “Concert.”
Choose the category “Arts” and the Sub-
Category “Music.”