Using Features for Advanced Applications
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Figure 3–87: Define FFT Waveform Menu
7. Press Set FFT Vert Scale to (side) repeatedly to choose from the following
vertical scale types:
dBV RMS — Magnitude is displayed using log scale, expressed in dB
relative to 1 V
where 0 dB =1 V
Linear RMS — Magnitude is displayed using voltage as the scale.
Phase (deg) — Phase is displayed using degrees as the scale, where degrees
wrap from –180_ to +180_.
Phase (rad) — Phase is displayed using radians as the scale, where radians
wrap from –p to +p.
The topic Considerations for Phase Displays, on page 3–156, provides in
depth information on setup for phase displays.
8. Press Set FFT Window to (side) repeatedly to choose from the following
window types:
Rectangular — Best type of window for resolving frequencies that are very
close to the same value but worst for accurately measuring the amplitude of
those frequencies. Best type for measuring the frequency spectrum of
nonrepetitive signals and measuring frequency components near DC.