
Phaser 740 and 740L Laser Printers
Advanced Print Features
Image separation
Only available if the Replicate images box is checked.
Type an amount, in inches or millimeters (depending on your system’s
measurement standard), to specify the amount of separation between each
replicated image.
A larger amount reduces the number of images that can be printed at
one time.
Minimum allowed separation value is 0.
Maximum separation value is 100 mm (4 inches).
Default separation value is 3.175 mm (0.125/one-eighth inches).
Valid characters for this field are 0 to 9 and a period (or decimal point).
As you type a value, the stylized representation of the page, and
Number of images and Image layout values are dynamically updated.
If the value entered in the Image separation field is out-of-range, the
values in these other fields are replaced by question marks, and no
images are shown in the stylized representation of the page. If the
value is out-of-range, and you click Print or Save, the following alert is
The value for Image separation is out of range. It will be
replaced with the closest allowed value.
Number of images
Displays the number of scaled images that will fit in the image area of the
currently selected Media size (selection) and Landscape orientation
Number of images reflects the current Image separation value.
If the Replicate images box is not checked, this number is set to 1.
If either Scale or Image separation values are out-of-range, a question
mark is displayed.