Made to be used on clean room equipment. 17.625" X
17.625" X 5.5". Model #TH5217L17L007SU-
F06A000000. Made by Flanders Filters, Inc. Specs:
Resistance is 0.52; Penetration is 0.000065%; Test flow
160 CFM. The term "HEPA filter" stands for "High
Efficiency Particulate Air filter". These filters are so
efficient in removing small particles that they will capture
the tiny particles contained in cigarette smoke. Like new. Only have a few.
M2052 $50.00
If you have a Meade LX5, here's the audio cassette
that gives you instructions on how to put it together
and use it. Lot's of the info is useful for any similar
scope. On the other side is some interesting basic
astronomy information. Quality noise reduction tape
that can be recorded over.
M2056 $1.00
From the archives of Scientific American Magazine,
more than 72 years of experiments and projects from
all The Amateur Astronomer, The Amateur Telescope
Maker, and The Amateur Scientist columns from the
beginning in 1928 thru 2001. Every article is complete
with all photos, sketches, etc. More than 1,000 proj-
ects in every major field of science.These are actual
construction articles rated by difficulty, cost, target age, and safety. Fully
searchable text, updated and corrected. Articles from such well known
people as Albert Ingalls and C.L. Strong, Jearl Walker, Shawn Carlson, and
others.This is the most complete resource ever assembled for science hob-
byists, home schoolers, educators, science fair participants, researchers,
schools, colleges, clubs, organizations, etc. Covers the following areas of sci-
ence: Astronomy, Archeology, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science,
Mathematics and Physics. Includes extensive Technical Notes and Tools &
Techniques and tons of helpful science secrets that have never appeared in
Scientific American. Includes over 2,000 pages of helpful Technical Notes
that never appeared in the magazine covering topics from choosing binocu
lars for astronomy to monitoring earthquakes, as well as the full text of
Procedures in Experimental Physics by John Strong, a classic and much
sought after reference on instrument making. In addition, there is a sample
software library with demos, shareware, freeware, and other items of use
to amateur scientists. Works with Windows, Mac, Unix & Linux. Requires 32
MB RAM and Netscape 4.0 or IE or higher. Publisher's price: $39.99
M2071 $24.00
Page 90 - Miscellaneous
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