ZoomCam ISA Model 1575 made by Zoom Telephonics.
These are unused and include a 10 foot cable with fer-
rite noise filter and 9-pin circular mini-DIN plug to con-
nect into your video-ready faxmodem or video capture
card (modem or card not included). This camera has a
lot of features and a wealth of parts. Includes a high-
quality f/1.9 multi-element anti-reflection coated lens
with a focal length of 4.8mm and a 50 degree wide angle field of view.
Adjustable focus from 2 inches to infinity. The camera automatically
adjusts for exposure, contrast, backlight, and fluorescent light "flicker" for
high performance over a broad range of light conditions. Resolution is 352
X 288 pixels. It uses an advanced CMOS array to provide high resolution
color live action video or point-and- click imagecapture. With a little cre-
ativity you should be able to adapt this to an unlimited amount of uses. Will
run off 9 volts DC. Power consumption is 600mW nominal, 48mW sleep
mode. We don't have schematic diagrams, so you will have to do some trac-
ing to see what each pin goes to. Should be a fun and rewarding project.
There are drivers that can be downloaded from
http://www.zoom.com/ts1/cam/isa.shtml. The case is a contemporary
design with weighted base and only 1.88" wide by 3.3" long by 2.43" high and
has a standard mount for camera tripod. Take a look at all 3 photos to get
a better idea of what you will get for such a pittance. Unused
R1460 $9.75
Compass Parts
If you have one of the Navy John E.
Hand military compasses that needs a
replacement compass card, you are in
luck! Made of aluminum, the card is 2-
1/2" diameter and has degrees in 10's
with markers at the half way spot and lines for each 2
degrees This is an original John E. Hand & Sons of
Philadelphia part. If you don't have a compass to put
these in, this should make a nice collectable. Put it in a
frame with our M2179 and M2181 and hang it on the wall
in your family room or office.
M2180 $5.00
Page 22 - Compass Parts
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