You can control many conference features from the MCU web browser:
Adding participants
Viewing the participants list
Customizing layout views
Displaying conference statistics
Sending messages to all participants
You can add a participant to a conference in two ways: either as a "one-off" participant in to an active conference now
or by adding their endpoint to the conference configuration, in which case the endpoint will be called every time the
conference occurs. Their endpoint must be pre-configured for you to be able to do this, see Adding pre-configured
To call an endpoint immediately you can either put in their endpoint details or select a pre-configured endpoint and
call out. Their endpoint can be an H.323, SIP or VNC endpoint. Refer to the first three links below for details:
Adding an H.323 participant
Adding a SIP participant
Adding a VNC participant
Adding pre-configured participants
Note that participants called by the MCU will have chairperson privileges. For more information about chairperson
and guest privileges, refer to Adding a conference.
To call a participant with an H.323 endpoint in to an active conference:
1. Go to to display the Conference List.
2. Click a Conference name and then click .
o To add a new endpoint (one that you have not added as a configured endpoint):
i. Select the radio button and do one of the following:
For , enter the IP address, E.164 number, or H.323 alias of the
participant's endpoint.
For , enter the number configured on an H.323 gateway for the
participant and select the from the drop down list. For more
information about configuring H.323 gateways, refer to Adding and updating
For , enter an H.323 gateway and E.164 number in the form <gateway
address>!<E.164 number>. This allows to you make a call via a H.323 gateway
that has not been pre-configured on the MCU.
ii. For information about other conference settings, refer to Configuring H.323 endpoints
iii. Click .
o To invite an existing (configured) H.323 endpoint, scroll down to the Endpoints section, select the
check box next to the endpoint name and click .