all participants are disconnected (default)
all participants may continue the conference until the last one disconnects (take no action)
If you set both Numeric ID and PIN, you must set either:
both Guest numeric ID and Guest PIN
neither Guest numeric ID nor Guest PIN
If you use a Guest PIN, you must use a PIN. If you use a Guest numeric ID, you must use a Numeric ID.
Note that for a conference Numeric ID and Guest numeric ID can be the same only if the two PINs are different;
likewise, both PINs can be the same if the IDs are different.
Note that participants dragged and dropped into a conference on the web interface will be chairperson participants.
Where no IDs or PINs are configured for a conference, all participants will be chairpersons regardless of how they
Both Numeric ID and Guest numeric ID can be registered with an H.323 gatekeeper and/or SIP registrar to enable
participants to dial in to conferences directly and as the correct participant type. The Numeric ID registration setting
applies to both IDs.
Audio-only participants can be guest or chairperson participants by connecting to a conference using either a Guest or
Chairperson ID. In the case of an audio-only guest, if no chairperson has yet joined the conference, they will hear an
audio prompt informing them of that. The conference will start when the first chairperson joins.