
Appendix Command table
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 303
Barcode zoom coeffizient
The parameter ’z’ expresses the horizontal zoom coefficient in decimals. The fol-
lowing values are allowed:
00-09 Ignored values
10-34 Acceptable values (10 = basic width. 15 is 1.5 * basic width, 20
is double width, etc.)
Human readable line
The parameter ’n’ comprising one byte, enables or disables plain language prin-
ting of the barcode (’Human Readable Line’ - H.R.L.) in the lower part:
n Human Readable Line
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
’Human readable’ characters are printed with the OCR-A font, where no zoom
factor is applied.
horizontal: the horizontal position ist the beginning of white area.
This area is at least 10 times of small barcode line [**] and depends
of the zoom-factor.
vertical: the vertical position ist the baseline of text (needle 20).
[*] One pass = 8/60" at 24 pin
[**] Specification EN 800 (code 39) / 801 (Interleaved 2 of 5)