
Passbook processing with MSR Application examples
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
4. Waiting for response ’read MSR’ and evaluation of the MSR data
Response: CSI n1; n2; n3; n4 " r
STX read data ETX
Parameters: n1 =
number of reading attempts
n2 = reading threshold
n3 = reading block number
n4 = reading error (0 = without error)
Remarks: When the execution of the command CSI " r
is without error, the read data contains the
value for the next free posting line (= 6, see
step 7).
Note: The boundary characters STX (hex 02) and
ETX (hex 03) are also transferred.
5. Updating the magnetic stripe (MSR data)
Command: CSI # r STX write data ETX
Parameter: New free posting line = 7, account number
(unchanged) and new passbook contents
(balance) depending on deposit or
withdrawal amount. The write data is
enclosed between STX (hex 02) and ETX
(hex 03).
Remarks: This MSR write command produces an
acknowledgement in the form of
CSI n1; n2 # r, which is not evaluated in this
program example (n1 = number of writing
attempts needed; n2 = error identification for
read after write check).