
Chapter 4 Command Quick Reference
Event Time Stamping (59551A Only)
4-12 Operating and Programming Guide
Event Time Stamping (59551A Only)
The following commands are provided to allow you to time-tag and record
events such as power surges and power outages. The time tagging input
feature allows you to use the Receiver with equipment which produce a TTL
edge when some important event happens in the base station. The Receiver has
three time tagging inputs which record the time of occurrence of TTL edge(s).
Defining the Time-stamped Edge
<channel> = 1 or 2 or 3
Clearing Time Stamp Memory
:SENSe:DATA:CLEar "TSTamp 1" or "TSTamp 2" or "TSTamp 3"
Reading Time Stamps
:FORMat:DATA ASCii or INTeger
:SENSe:DATA:POINTs? "TSTamp 1" or "TSTamp 2" or "TSTamp 3"
:SENSe:DATA:TSTamp? "TSTamp 1" or "TSTamp 2" or "TSTamp 3", <entry number>
Processing Memory Overflow
:SENSe:DATA:MEMory:OVERflow:COUNt? "TSTamp 1" or "TSTamp 2" or "TSTamp 3"
:SENSe:TSTamp<channel>:EDGE RISing or FALLing
Selects the polarity of the edges the Receiver will timestamp.
Returns the polarity of the edges the Receiver will timestamp.
Clears the data in the measurement buffer for all Time Tag inputs.
:SENSe:DATA? "TSTamp 1" or "TSTamp 2" or "TSTamp 3"
Returns the data in the timestamp measurement buffer for the specified Time Tag input.
Basic command