
Chapter 4 Command Quick Reference
An Introduction to GPS Receiver Commands
4-4 Operating and Programming Guide
An Introduction to GPS Receiver
SCPI Conformance Information
The SCPI commands used in the GPS Receiver are in conformance
with the SCPI Standard Version 1994.0.
Details of all the GPS Receiver commands can be found in Chapter 5,
“Command Reference,” of this guide.
Information on the SCPI commands format, syntax, parameter, and
response types is provided in Appendix B, “Command Syntax and
Style,” of this guide.
Command Syntax Conventions
POSition Means you MUST use either all the upper case letters or
the entire word. The lower case letters are optional.
For example, POS and POSITION are both valid.
However, POSI is not valid. (Note: POSition is used here
as an example, but this convention is true for all
command keywords.) In other words, the short form of
the keywords is shown in uppercase.
NOTE When you see quotation marks in the command’s parameter, you must
send the quotation marks with the command.
Command Presentation
The shaded commands listed in the following sections are the “basic”
(fundamental) or most commonly used commands. These commands
are essential for operating the Receiver; thus, a brief description of
each of these commands is included in this section. More complete
descriptions are provided in Chapter 5, “Command Reference.”
The non-shaded commands listed in this section are not fundamental
or not commonly used. These commands are used for one-time setup,
advanced, or specialized operation of the Receiver. Descriptions of
these commands are provided in Chapter 5 only.