MD Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Specification Value
tion, Auto/Manual selections, manual
speed control. To prevent heating prob-
lems in the cooling tower fan motor and
to assure proper gear reducer lubrication
motor once 25% motor speed is reached
and cooling is no longer required. The
cooling tower manufacturer shall supply
testing throughout the speed range is
required to identify and lockout any natu-
ral frequency vibration levels which may
exceed CTI guidelines.
Miscellaneous Options
Equalizer Flume Weir Gates:
11.2 Add the following paragraph under
Cold Water Collection Basin: The
interconnecting flume between cells
shall be equipped with a removable
cover plate to permit the shutdown of
one cell for maintenance purposes, or
to permit independent cell operation.
Premium Efficiency Motor
6.3 Replace paragraph 6.3 with the fol-
lowing: The complete mechanical
equipment assembly for each cell
shall be supported by a rigid, hot-dip
galvanized steel structural support that
resists misalignment between the
drive towers with motors inside the
airstream, motors shall be mounted on
an adjustable base that swivels outside
the access door for maintenance. For
belt-drive towers with motors mounted
outside the airstream, a protective
cover shall be mounted over the motor
and sheave to protect it from the
weather and prevent inadvertent con-
tact. The mechanical equipment assem-
bly shall be warranted against any fail-
ure caused by defects in materials and
years following the date of tower ship-
ment. This warranty shall cover the fan,
speed reducer, motor, drive shaft and
couplings, and the mechanical equip-
ment support. The bearing assemblies
■ Where it is your intention to be able to operate both cells of the tower
while the flume cover plate is installed, separate outlet connections,
float valves and overflows must be provided for each cell. Likewise, this
would require separate sensors and controls for basin heater systems, if
■ IEC premium efficiency motor with a five year warranty enhances the
standard five year mechanical equipment warranty of the MD cooling