Specification Value
MD Cooling Tower
Specifications: Base
10.0 Access:
10.1 A large rectangular access door shall
be located in the plenum on the motor
side of the tower.
11.0 Cold Water Collection Basin:
11.1 The collection basin shall be heavy-
gauge galvanized steel and shall
include the number and type of suction
connections required to accommodate
the out-flow piping system shown on
the plans. Suction connections shall be
equipped with debris screens. A fac-
tory installed, float operated, mechani-
cal make-up valve shall be included.
An overflow and drain connection shall
be provided in each cell of the tower.
The basin floor shall slope toward the
drain to allow complete flush out of
debris and silt which may accumu-
late. Towers of more than one cell
shall include steel flumes for flow and
equalization between cells.
13.0 Warranty:
13.1 The MD cooling tower shall be free
from defects in materials and work-
months from the date of shipment.
■ The MD tower design offers side-suction as standard. Bottom outlets
may be supplied to accommodate a variety of piping schemes. Unless
so specified, the tower you may be asked to approve may only be avail-
able with one type of suction connection requiring you to redesign your
piping layout.
The sloping floor and low-level drain is valuable because it provides a
way to achieve flush-out cleanability.