3.2.2 Display view
After the first totalising function, the display changes from basic view to the
total view.
3.2.3 Taring
Taring functions same as for 3.1 Weighing and taring.
3.2.4 Operating the totalising functions
Call the totalising functions level by pressing the function change key.
F6 Plus:
Press the Plus key to transfer the weight on the weighing platform to the total
memory. The piece counter and the consecutive number are incremented by 1.
Before requesting the next total, the scale must be clipped off at least to the clip
off factor defined in Setting mode.
A weight value of 0 or a total without clip off results in "Error 55 Place weight on
If the clip off factor = 0, only a short weight change is required.
F5 Manual:
Press the Manual key to type in weight values and quantities manually.
Type your input into the numerical keypad and confirm by pressing F6 Accept.
When the input window opens, press the function change key (F>) to switch
between calibrated unit, second unit and quantity. Manual inputs are identified
on the printout by the description "Manual".
The piece counter and the consecutive number are incremented by 1.
Weight values are added to the total weight. Quantities are added to the piece
total separately.
Ba_3030_GB_neu.qxd 04.12.2006 11:01 Seite 19