3.1.6 Multiplicative tare
Tare several containers of the same weight. See the description of the function in the CD manual.
3.1.7 Additive tare
Tare several, even different containers of known weight. See the description of the function in the CD
3.1.8 Provisional tare
Unknown tare weights are added to the existing tare memory. See the description of the function in the
CD manual.
3.1.9 Automatic taring
Tare the first weight value on the scale automatically. See the description of the function in the CD
3.1.10 Fixed tare value memory
Known tare weights can be saved to a failsafe memory or called when required. You can save up to 400
reference weight in a failsafe memory.
Each memory location has:
- 3-digit consecutive numbers
- description (plaintext 18 characters)
- tare weight
a) Calling the list of fixed tare values for editing
Press the Info key and then F1 Tare Fixed.
Select from the list.
Browse using the F3 and F4 arrow keys. Call the required fixed value by pressing F6 Edit.
Edit an existing fixed value
Call the marked fixed value for editing by pressing F6.
The Description parameter is marked. Call by pressing F6 Edit. Type the value into the
numerical/alphanumeric keypad. Accept the input by pressing F6. (Clear the input without saving by
pressing F5 Cancel). The Tare Weight parameter is marked. Call by pressing F6 Edit. Type the value
into the numerical/alphanumeric keypad. Accept the input by pressing F6. (Clear the input without
saving by pressing F5 Cancel).
Clearing an existing fixed value
Browse using the F3 and F4 arrow keys. Clear the marked fixed value by pressing F2 Clear.
The resulting gap in the consecutive numbering scheme is closed.
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