
Introduction DART 300 Modem
Page 4 2110212 Rev 1.0
1.2. References
For background information on the nature of wireless communications consult your cellular
service provider and/or their Internet site. All major service providers provide web-based
information on CDPD.
The Sierra Wireless web site at www.sierrawireless.com
includes a document library in the
Support and Downloads section. This library includes other useful documents such as:
CDPD Primer, 2130006
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms, 2110032
Problem Report Sheet, 2110125
1.3. Currency
This document may be revised from time to time as new firmware and features are made available.
Please check our web site frequently for revisions. This edition is:
Rev 1.0 November 17, 2000
This document is current with the following modem firmware revisions:
DART 300 / SB300
Revision R1.3.5. To determine your firmware revision:
1. Enter the Identification command ATI5
The modem will respond with the Firmware revision information:
R1_3_5 …
The details following the revision number include Sierra Wireless information on the specific
build followed by the date and time of the build.
If your modem firmware is an earlier version, consult the Sierra Wireless website or contact Sierra
Wireless Technical Support to acquire an upgrade.
1.4. Conventions Used in this Reference
Local host means the telemetry device (DTE) connected to the DART 300 modem (DCE).
Remote host means the central monitoring system being used to collect the telemetry data from the
local device. Discussion is from the point of view of the DART 300 modem.
Result Code – This is a numeric or text code that is returned after all AT commands (except
Response – This term indicates a response from the modem, which is issued prior to a result code.
Reading registers or issuing commands that report information will provide a response followed
by a result code unless the command generates an error.
Numbers are assumed decimal. Hexadecimal values are shown with a prefix of 0x, i.e. in the form
0x6B. Binary values are shown with a prefix of 0b, i.e. in the form 0b01101011.
Character codes that are described with words or standard abbreviations are shown within angle
brackets: such as <CR> for Carriage Return and <SP> for a blank space character.
AT Command and register syntax is noted using an alternate font:
Responses and result codes from the modem are shown in an alternate font: