
User’s Guide AT Command Reference
2110212 Rev 1.0 Page 107
Table 12-3: AT [+] Commands in CDPD Mode (continued)
Command Description
Soft Modem Reset
Resets the modem to power-up condition. This command will gracefully de-register the modem
prior to resetting but will not gracefully close a TCP session.
12.3. CDPD Status Registers
All status registers (both S and +WS) for CDPD mode are independent of registers in other modes
with the exception of +WS46 (Modem Operating Mode).
12.3.1. S-Registers in CDPD Mode
Table 12-4: S-Registers in CDPD Mode
Register Description Range Default Units
Auto-answer is not available in SLIP service (+WS45=3).
The modem must be in PAD service (UDP or TCP) in order to
change this register setting. The value of this register is
ignored if server sessions are disabled (+WS212=0) or the
modem is in SLIP service.
The modem must be registered on the network in order for
this register setting to have meaning. If there is an active
session, attempts to change this register will fail with the
ERROR result code returned.
If auto-answer is enabled when a packet arrives on the port
specified in +WS212 (Listening Port), and is accepted under
Friends Only, the modem will issue “RING”, toggle the RI
signal once, and issue “CONNECT <IP>” where <IP> is the
address of the caller. The modem will then enter data state
with a server session open.
If server sessions are enabled (+WS212 > 0) and auto-answer
is disabled, an arriving packet (from an accepted friend) will
trigger the RING message and the RI signal will toggle three
times, but a session will not be opened unless manually
answered with the A command.
Value Meaning
0 Disable auto-answer.
>0 Enable auto-answer. (Default is 1)
0 – 255 1
Escape Character
This specifies the ASCII decimal code of the time dependent
escape sequence (TDES) character. The standard escape
character is the plus sign (+).
A value of 128 – 255 disables the time dependent escape
sequence capability.
0 – 255 43 <+> ASCII