Each time this button is pressed, the setting changes
and disappears in 2 seconds as follows;
Input Surround mode Tone Channel level
Dynamic range Cinema EQ Volume level
The channel level settings are displayed according to
the speaker settings.
If the CHECK button is pressed for more than 2
seconds, the settings are displayed continuously and
In this case, pressing any button will cancel the
check function.
This function compresses the dynamic range of
previously specified parts of the Dolby Digital sound
track(with extremely high volume)to minimize the
difference in volume between the specified and non-
specified parts.
This makes it easy to hear all of the sound track when
watching movies at night at low levels.
Each time this button is pressed, the mode changes
and disappears in 3 seconds as follows;
DYNamic Range 0.0 : Off
DYNamic Range 0.5 : Low compression
DYNamic Range 1.0 : High compression
In some Dolby Digital software, this function may
not be available.
CChheecckkiinngg tthhee sseettttiinnggss ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg ttoo
eeaacchh ooppeerraattiioonn
CCoommpprreessssiinngg tthhee ddyynnaammiicc rraannggee
((DDoollbbyy DDiiggiittaall mmooddee oonnllyy))
The sleep timer allows the system to continue to
operate for a specified period of time before
automatically shutting off.
To set the receiver to automatically turn off after the
specified period of time.
Each time this button is pressed, the sleep time
changes and disappears in 3 seconds as follows;
10 20 30 60 90 OFF
Unit : minutes
While operating the sleep timer, “SLEEP” lights up.
When the sleep time is selected, all display panels of
Sherwood components connected by the DIGI LINK
III are dimly lit.
Each time this button is pressed, the brightness of
all fluorescent displays of Sherwood components
connected by the DIGI LINK III changes together
as follows;
ON dim OFF
In the display OFF mode, pressing any button will
restore the display ON mode.
OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee sslleeeepp ttiimmeerr
AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee bbrriigghhttnneessss ooff tthhee
fflluuoorreesscceenntt ddiissppllaayyss