Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 203
Parameter Control Bits
DU 0 Value provided by device server
DS 0 Device server supports saving of parameter
TSD 0 Device server manages saving of parameter
ETC 0 No threshold comparison is made on this value
TMC xxx Ignored when ETC is 0
LBIN 1 The parameter is in binary format
LP 1 The parameter is a list parameter
Parameter Length
This value is always 10h.
Self-Test Code
This field contains the value in the Self-Test Code field of the Send Diagnostics command that initiated this device self-test
(see Send Diagnostics command).
Self-Test Results Value
00h The self-test routine completed without error.
01h The background self-test routine was aborted by the application client using a Send Diagnostics command
with the Self-Test Code field set to 100b (Abort background self-test).
02h The self-test routine was aborted by an application client using a method other than a Send Diagnostics
command with the Self-Test Code field set to 100b (e.g., by a task management function, by a reset, or by
issuing an exception command).
03h An unknown error occurred while the device server was executing the self-test routine and the device server
was unable to complete the self-test routine.
04h The self-test completed with a failure in a test segment, and the test segment that failed is not known.
05h The first segment of the self-test failed.
06h The second segment of the self-test failed.
07h Another segment of the self-test failed.
08-0Eh Reserved.
0Fh Self-test is in progress.
Self-Test Segment Number
This field identifies the number of the segment that failed during the self-test.
00h The segment that failed cannot or need not be identified.
Sense Key
This field may contain a hierarchy of additional information relating to error or exception conditions that occurred during the
self-test represented in the same format used by the sense data (see Request Sense command).
This field contains the total accumulated power-on hours of the device server at the time the self-test operation was com-
pleted. If the test is still in progress, the content of this field is 0. If the power-on hours for the device server at the time the
self-test operation was completed is greater than FFFFh, the content of this field is FFFFh.