Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 181
Field definitions (listed alphabetically)
Page Code
C2h Provides the status of the option selections at the disc drive connector.
Page Length
02h The length (in bytes) of the Jumper Settings page.
Peripheral Qualifier and Peripheral Device Type
00h A direct-access device (magnetic disc) is connected to this logical unit.
Sel. ID (Select-ID)
AL_PA Select-ID mapping is shown on the next page (see Table 116).
S2 (Start_2), S1 (Start_1)
Motor spinup options:
S2 S1 Function
0 0 Motor spins up at power on.
1 0 Remote motor spin up. A SCSI Start command is required to spin up the drive.
0 1 Delay motor spin up.
1 1 Invalid selection or the drive is not completely plugged in. Also referred to as the “Un-Mated Case” option.
Note. If Enclosure Initiated ESI is supported in the backplane that the drive is plugged in to, the S2 and S1 values
reported may reflect attempts by the enclosure to start an EI ESI transfer. Several reads separated by at least a
second may better indicate what the value is for these lines that the drive uses to determine motor spinup
functionality. See Section 10.5 for more information on Enclosure Initiated ESI.
12.6.7 Jumper Settings page (C2h)
Table 115: Jumper Settings page (C2h)
7 6543210
0 Peripheral Qualifier Peripheral Device Type
Page Code (C2h)
Page Length (02h)
4 S2 S1 Rsvd Rsvd Rsvd Rsvd Rsvd Rsvd
5 Rsvd Sel. ID