58 TRX AC Drives
Communication Parameters
© 2000–2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
LI5 Assignment of
logic input LI5
0 = NO: Not assigned
3 = RV: Reverse operation
4 = RP2: Ramp switching
5 = JOG: Jog operation
6 = +SP: +Speed
7 = –SP: –Speed
8 = PS2: 2 preset speeds
9 = PS4: 4 preset speeds
10 = PS8: 8 preset speeds
11 = RFC: Reference switching
12 = NST: Freewheel stop
13 = DCI: Injection stop
14 = FST: Fast stop
15 = CHP: Motor switching; or open loop/
closed loop switching if CTR = FVC
16 = TL2: Second torque limit
17 = FLO: Forced local mode
18 = RST: Fault reset
19 = ATN: Auto tune
20 = SPM: Save reference
21 = FLI: Motor fluxing
22 = PAU: PID auto-man
23 = PIS: PID integral shunting
24 = PR2: 2 preset PID references
25 = PR4: 4 preset PID references
26 = TLA: Torque limit by AI
27 = EDD: External fault
LI6 Assignment of
logic input LI6
0 = NO: Not assigned
3 = RV: Reverse operation
4 = RP2: Ramp switching
5 = JOG: Jog operation
6 = +SP: +Speed
7 = –SP: –Speed
8 = PS2: 2 preset speeds
9 = PS4: 4 preset speeds
10 = PS8: 8 preset speeds
11 = RFC: Reference switching
12 = NST: Freewheel stop
13 = DCI: Injection stop
14 = FST: Fast stop
15 = CHP: Motor switching; or open loop/
closed loop switching if CTR = FVC
16 = TL2: Second torque limit
17 = FLO: Forced local mode
18 = RST: Fault reset
19 = ATN: Auto tune
20 = SPM: Save reference
21 = FLI: Motor fluxing
22 = PAU: PID auto-man
23 = PIS: PID integral shunting
24 = PR2: 2 preset PID references
25 = PR4: 4 preset PID references
26 = TLA: Torque limit by AI
27 = EDD: External fault
AI2 Assignment of
analog input AI2
0 = NO: Not assigned
2 = FR2: Speed reference 2
3 = SAI: Summing reference
4 = PIF: PI feedback (PI control)
8 = ATL: Analog torque limit
9 = DAI: Subtracting reference
AI3 Assignment of
analog input AI3
or of encoder
(according to
type of I/O card)
0 = NO: Not assigned
2 = FR2 = Speed reference 2 (125–500 hp only)
3 = SAI: Summing reference
4 = PIF: PI feedback (PI control)
5 = SFB: Tachogenerator feedback
6 = RGI: Encoder feedback (except Type FVC models)
7 = PTC: PTC probes
8 = ATL: Analog torque limit
9 = DAI: Subtracting reference
10 = PIM: manual speed reference of the PID regulator (auto-man)
11 = FPI: speed reference of the PID regulator (predictive reference)
R2 Assignment of
relay R2
0 = NO: Not assigned
2 = RUN: Drive running
3 = OCC: Downstream contactor control
4 = FTA: Frequency threshold (FTD) reached
5 = FLA: High speed reached
6 = CTA: Current threshold (CTD) reached
7 = SRA: Frequency reference reached
8 = TSA: Thermal threshold (TTD) reached
9 = BLC: Brake sequence
10 = PEE: PID error
11 = PFA: PID feedback alarm
12 = APL: Loss of 4–20 mA follower signal
13 = F2A: 2nd frequency threshold (F2D) reached
14 = TAD: Drive thermal state threshold reached
LO Assignment of
logic output LO
0 = NO: Not assigned
2 = RUN: Drive running
3 = OCC: Downstream contactor control
4 = FTA: Frequency threshold (FTD) reached
5 = FLA: High speed reached
6 = CTA: Current threshold (CTD) reached
7 = SRA: Frequency reference reached
8 = TSA: Thermal threshold (TTD) reached
10 = PEE: PID error
11 = PFA: PID feedback alarm
12 = APL: Loss of 4–20 mA follower signal
13 = F2A: 2nd frequency threshold (F2D) reached
14 = TAD: Drive thermal state threshold reached
AO Assignment of
analog output
0 = NO: Not assigned
1 = OCR: Motor current
2 = OFR: Motor speed
3 = ORP: Ramp output
4 = TRQ: Motor torque
5 = STQ: Signed motor torque
6 = ORS: Signed ramp output
7 = OPS: PID reference
8 = OPF: PID feedback
9 = OPE: PID error
10 = OPI: PID integral
11 = OPR: Motor power output
12 = THR: Motor thermal state
13 = THD: Drive thermal state
I/O Configuration Registers (Continued)
Word Code Description Possible Values or Range
Values specific to ATV58 Type FVC models